Tuesday, October 14, 2008

She works hard for the money!!!

Its 2:22 pm, Mia & Sophia are napping, Bubba is scurrying around the house in his walker...Dora the Explorer is on the TV. Welcome to a typical weekday for me! I am very fortunate to be able to call this one of my "jobs"!!! Don't get me wrong...spending an average of 40 hours a day with an 11 month old, 18 month old, and 2 yr old along with 2 very active labs can leave a person RUNNING to starbucks at the end of the day (and I do!) but I consider myself pretty blessed to be getting paid to do this. It also gives my sister a little "peace of mind" to know her kids are with someone that she knows and trusts and they are loved by me as if they were my own children. Plus I love the relationships that the 3 kids are building together-this alone is priceless. Sophia loves getting ready in the morning to go see her cousins..."Meezer" & "Bubby". When I pull up to Em's house I am always greeted at the window by a mound of blonde hair peeking out shouting, "Mi-Mi...Mi-Mi!!!" Could the start of one's work day be any more delightful? I love this job!
....which brings me to my other part-time job...bartending. Six hours of hustling, bustling, socializing, multi-tasking at turbo-speed, and walking away with a whole load of cash! Its an easy job that you have to work super hard at, if that makes any sense. The only problem is the fact that I am getting home around 11:30 ish which sux when you have a child that wakes up at 6:30 no matter what time mommy goes to bed, lol. Other than that I only bartend 3 nights a week and the extra money is a wonderful luxury to have in such a rotten economy.
And finally, I have my most favorite job of all (next to being a mom, of course)...selling lia sophia jewelry!! Never have I ever...1. felt so confident and self-assured(thanks to my amazing support system of women in my division) 2. made ridiculously easy money 3. exercised my love for all things fashion by creatively showing gorgeous jewelry and 4. had all the freedom and tax benefits of owning my own buisness. Not to mention we are always given the opportunity to earn amazing incentives and free jewelry, a free yearly trip to somewhere exotic (this year it's the Grand Caymen Islands cruise) and have meetings, rally's and a summer conference where we can all get together to share our tips and tricks, socialize, and win amazing raffle prizes. I know it all sounds too good to be true but it really is this amazing! I love it all so much that I would eventually like this to be my actual career, maybe even in the corporate aspect. I am constantly looking to share this opportunity with people and I ALWAYS pay for the start-up kit so if anyone is looking for an easy, fun way to make some moolah...let me know! Even if you live far away...you can take advantage of what lia sophia has to offer.
Now before this post starts to sound like a lia sophia infommerical or something...I must be on the run. So, that is what this girl does to make a living. It sounds like a lot, and it is lol, but don't get me wrong cuz I love every single second of it all!!! Til next time...(its now 3:27-I'm officially on coutdown to starbucks time, haha) xoxox

1 comment:

Emily said...

I pay you to live my fantasy life!

Great blog! I will look forward to reading your interesting takes on things!