Thursday, March 26, 2009

A quick blog before my avocado snack.

Its Thursday morning and the weather is looking a little more promising. Yesterday was still cold but we had tons of beautiful sunshine so that lifted my spirits. Right now the kids are playing and I am watching re-runs of one of my fav shows, "Giada's Weekend Getaways." I just love her and every single thing that she cooks. This particular show highlights her travels that are centered around, what else, food! Today she is in Santa Fe, N.M. and I am happy that I brought an avocado with me b/c I am sure craving one right about now.

Speaking of food, yesterday I made the yummiest little snack ever! I took button mushrooms (stems removed), and brushed them with olive oil. I then took some of my goat cheese, basil, chopped tomatoes with the pulp scraped away, and a little more olive oil...mixed it all good and put a scoop inside each mushroom. A sprinkling of breadcrumbs and then I popped it all in the oven at 400 degrees and baked for about 15 minutes. A little salt and pepper when they came out and oh my word were they freaking delicious. That alone put me in a glorious mood, I tell ya. Today I am pondering on what I'd like to do with my aforementioned avocado. I might just eat it plain with a little lime and salt. Mmmmm. That sure got my stomach growling.

Yesterday, we received some great news. Our home loan is completely done and processed and now we are just waiting on the final appraisal. It is very possible that we may close on Mon or Tues and move in right away! Of course, this is all a whirlwind right about now, but for sure in a good way. So, this weekend we will begin the treacherous task of packing. *groan* I absolutely loathe packing but at least this is for good. I am eager to just get everything done. If I could fast forward time, this would def be the week to do it! I can't wait to be settled into our new home. I am excited to post some pics for everyone. Me and Ant were debating on inviting everyone over for Easter but I fear that may be a bit too soon. Sophia's bday is the day before, the 11th, and planning a party is going to be a task altogether. I always take on too much so I am trying to slow down and not get ahead of myself.

Today is going to be pretty routine: babysitting, work at OB, gym, sleep. Tomorrow evening I have a jewelry party at my BFF's house so I am looking forward to that. I love the combo of socializing, shopping, and making $$. lol. I hope everyone is having a wonderful day thus far. Aaaahhh the weekend will be here before you know it. Ciao! xoxoxox

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