Wednesday, June 24, 2009

It's Finally Here!

Well the event of the year has arrived...the lia sophia annual conference!!! I am super excited and pumped and am ready to return full of fresh ideas!!! Plus I am super excited to see Tim Gunn and Guiliana DePandi Rancic, who are going to be there as well!!!! I will be ready to blog all about it on Monday when I am home!!! Yayyyy! Ciao...xoxoxoxo.

P.S. We got a puppy! She is a beautiful yellow lab mutt that we got on Sunday and we have named her Harlee. She is almost 3 months old and we are absolutely in LOVE with her...I will post pics when I get back!

1 comment:

Tricia said...

First of all, congrats on the puppy!! How fun!

Secondly, I am SO JEALOUS that you get to see the amazing Tim Gunn in person. That is SO exciting!! I hope you have a great time Meg!