Monday, November 10, 2008

Just squirrels trying to get a nut...

Hello all. I know its been a while but I have been a stressed little volcano ready to spew over and I didn't really want to unleash that beast on all of my readers. I know venting is a great stress reliever but there is a fine line between venting and sounding a tad psycho so I have stayed away. Now, my stressful situations still exist but I have been coping with them for a little while so I should be safe. Enough said.

Getting off that topic b/c that is NOT what I want to write about...I'll pick up where I left off when I left you last....The Wiggles Weekend. It was so fun and exciting that me and Em both cried when they came out. Yes, you heard me correct, we cried. Maybe its the fact that we watch them every single day of our lives and they have become somewhat of a celebrity to us too, but whatever it was, we were pretty moved. Plus we were so close to the stage that we could make out every drop of sweat on their faces. They put on quite a show too! The kids had a blast (poor Bub fell asleep on Ant during the show, sensory overload) and it was fun to see the ecstatic looks on their little faces. At the end of the show, me and Em grabbed the girl's & hauled ass to the stage to try and get a hand slap or something. No physical contact (they were prob scared of us pulling them off the stage) was made, but Murray did wave goodbye to us!!! Call us crazy "mom-groupies" but we had a blast and it was worth every cent (however, we did avoid the urge to buy an $18 light stick).

Last Monday, I attended our monthly lia sophia meeting and I received my first award! I got an award for top-selling advisor (in my region) during the month of October. That was def something to smile about. I was absolutely elated. I could tell Ellen (my advisor/mentor) was pretty proud of me, too. I was awarded a $25 jewelry certificate and $50 cash for holding a show that sold over $1000. I also won another $25 jewelry certificate from our raffles that we hold at the end of the meeting. It was a good night. Look out November!!!

In the lull of all the economy crap that is going on, I have decided to play a little game, if I may call it that. I am going to spend as little money as I can and blog about my frugal ways. This poses a challenge for me, I love to shop and drink my $5 lattes from Starbucks. But I just can't stand reading about "the crisis" anymore so I am going to make this shitty situation as fun as I possibly can make it. Not that me and Ant are broke or anything, I am just tired of feeling guilty about going out to eat and buying nice things when others are struggling. So I am going conservative!!! I would love to hear every one's input and suggestions for how they are dealing with the economy as well. What have YOU had to cut back on? How do YOU save money?

As far as my fundraiser went, I managed to raise $200 to give to the Gurliacci family. I will be sending them a check, as well as a little bracelet that I had bought for Natalee. Hopefully, the money will do them some good. It makes me feel good to know that I was able to help them in some way. I would like to say a very very big "thank you" to everyone who ordered. It is definitely appreciated.

Before I finish this post, I would just like everyone to ponder the meaning of the word, "GRATITUDE"....what does it mean to you? What are you gracious for? I think we live in a world where people can get so wrapped up in what is going wrong in their lives that they forget what is actually going wonderfully right. Every day when I wake up, I try to think of at least 10 things that I am so incredibly grateful for in my life. This morning when I looked at the cover of the newspaper, I saw a young couple with a little boy standing at the window of the Orange County DSS office. They were applying for public assistance. Inside the article, it tells us of how the young couple is sharing a studio apartment with the guy's father. Another story tells of a young couple with 3 children who are trying to live on a measly $300/wk income. Enough said. Count your blessings, folks. In the words of my brother, "we're all just squirrels trying to get a nut." lol. Gotta love the Patrick-isms. List your blessings and be grateful. We're all fighting our own battles in a way and we often forget the reasons for why we keep fighting rather than just giving up.

I hope everyone had a great week. Til next time. xoxox


Tricia said...

Meg, one of the ways Joe and I cut back on our bills was to get rid of our home phone and use only our cell phones. The only people who called us on our home phones were sales people so why spend $60 a month to talk to them? We've been without the home phone for several months now and haven't missed it one bit!

We also cut back on eating out and have tried to eat at home more often. We make a menu for the week and make a grocery list off that and follow it when we're at the store. You'd be amazed at how much you could save by not eating out!

Oh, and Starbucks for me is just an every once and a while treat. I brew my own Starbucks coffee at home and it perks me up just as well.

LaDolcevitaM6 said...

Thanks Tricia! We also only use our cell phones and we are on a family plan with Ant's family so it costs around $40 a month. The eating out/starbucks is something we have to get used to...we actually made fresh salmon for dinner last night and it was delicious. Its pretty fun, trying to figure out ways to save money. It'll be interesting to track our progress!