Today I woke up. I am ready to show myself some tough love b/c I am a tough bitch and not a weeny. So no more weeny-ness. I can't wallow in this stagnancy anymore. I gave myself a month to grieve the fact that the door to my old life has been closed and now its time to celebrate the opening of new one. Its a whole new chapter. I have a beautiful family that loves me to the core. I still have amazing friends no matter how often I see them. Me and Anthony were very blessed to be able to buy a brand new home that is perfect for us even though our country is in financial chaos. I know that my job is not easy right now but it is not what defines me and it certainly is not going to be my career forever. But it blesses me with the opportunity to bring home a full time income with part time hours, and to be able to be with my daughter during the day and 4 nights a week. I am very lucky to only have to leave her for 24 hours a week. As far as a 2nd child goes, I am leaving that one up to God. He knows what I can and can't handle and perhaps me not getting pregnant was a sign. A sign that now is the time to work hard b/c we own a house and financial responsibility is crucial when you own a home. That is just the way it is. I can't argue with it. I can only look around and count the blessings that I do have instead of focus on what isn't in the picture. And today I did just that. I looked at my life from different standpoint and realized that I am an incredibly lucky girl. So now I am showing myself some tough love, picking my head up, squaring my shoulders, and marching right back out into that world b/c life is short and I'm La Dolce Vita for Pete's sake!!! There ain't no crying over Starbucks in the sweet life. lol. Thank you all for your support and love. It certainly is the fuel that keeps me going everyday. Ciao...xoxoxox.