For the past couple of years, with the raging popularity of "The Secret," I have been an avid studier of the law of attraction. I was deeply intrigued by the fantasy of merely thinking a thought and having that thought manifest into reality. The process, however, is not quite that simple. Always a thinker rather than a do'er, I wildly whipped up countless daydreams that only my wild imagination could conceive. Then the voice of reason would take over, snuffing out my daydreams as if they were but a flame on a candle. So I would wait and un-surprisingly nothing would happen. The same old routine, while not necessarily a bad thing, but certainly not this sublime existence I had cooked up time and time again. "OK, Megan, now its time to take it a step further," said my mind.
In the law of attraction, having a creative imagination is a virtue. Usually this is the hardest part for adults to re-cultivate, being that it was a thing of the childlike past and no longer needed in "grown-up life." We are so droned to think the same thoughts as society anyway, stuck in a cynical mind-set of "oh that is just not possible" and "get your damn head out of the clouds." But what if it were possible? What if all we ever wanted in this lifetime was within a single, believing thought, a mere daydream that could unlock all your fantasies within the switch of your brain? Well, I have been studying for quite some time now and while I am not going to go into full detail on what exactly the law of attraction is, for that would be a whole blog in itself, I would like to chronicle my experience with it. See, I haven't fully applied myself, only slightly, and I have seen the good and bad results based on the way I was feeling that day/month/year. I can certainly see the pattern. While I do give most things great effort I don't feel as if I have fully reached my potential in anything, and I think it would be interesting to see if I really can concoct the life of my dreams based on appreciation, love, good feelings, higher frequencies, silly get the point. Honestly what the hell have I got to lose anyway? I am already living a good life, now I am ready to take it a step further and get a taste of the Great life. La Dolce Vita Everyone! Here we go!
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