Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My introduction to the world of Blogging!!!

Okkkk, so with all the fab people in my life and their fab blogs that I so faithfully read-I have decided to jump on the Blog Train myself! I've always enjoyed the act of journaling and jotting down your thoughts, a very therapeutic past time, so I guess this is just another way for me to do that-an outlet for me to rant & rave, share & learn, and to just get it all out to a somewhat neutral source other than an overpriced therapist. Now mind you-an avid reader am I but an english major I'm not...so if my grammer or choice of vocabulary isn't exactly up to par...forgive me please!!! lol. Right now I am at a very wonderful place in my life-newly married, working 3 jobs that I love and am super happy with (bartending, babysitting my sister's children, lia sophia jewelry advisor), and I am surrounded by friends and family that are extremely special to me. Most of all I am a mother to a beautiful 18 month old daughter, named Sophia, who completes me in so many ways and teaches me more than I could ever learn about life from anywhere else. I enjoy drinking wine, eating good food, any form of arts & entertainment, traveling, and most of all-SHOPPING!!! So I guess I am your typical girly-girl minus the prissy, high maintenance of it all. I am sure my personality and true soul will surely be shaped out with every blog post in the future so I won't go on and on about my likes/dislikes. So here it is everyone! I hope you enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy reading all of yours!!! xoxoxox

1 comment:

Tricia said...

Congratulations Meg! Welcome to the bloggerhood!