My quote for the week.....
Ok, not that it is any big secret or anything...but Moving is F'in stressful!!! I know I have done it several times before but every time we have just accumulated sooo much stuff and now that we have Sophia our stuff has tripled in size. Argh. I just keep telling myself that by this time next week it will be better and that unpacking is so much easier than packing and moving. And at least it is for a house so we will not have to do this again anytime soon. So this brings me to share with you all exactly how I feel right now:

It WILL pass.. ONTO YOUR NEW HOUSE!! Then you will acquire more stuff!! But luckily we wont have to do the fly by night packing of it all! But we did pretty good for 5 people, 4 boxes (Kidding),3 kids, 2 cats & 1 apartment full of your beautiful life!
haha without you I would not have gotten very much done. Ant actually went to U-Haul to buy more boxes and the nasty girl that works there (she has a cruch on him) gave him like $40 in boxes and some packing tape for under $10. I guess it pays to be cute. lol.
See.. now you can use Anthony as an example of your ways of saving money. Ex: Made sure I married a good looking man & that saved us $30 plus dollars on moving supplies.. LMAO!
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